Coronavirus Thread (3 Viewers)

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This is the Virus version of a Neutron bomb.
All the people, every living organism is dade,
but all the Stuff remains.

All them hot rods and custom cars, yeeeeeow.
Minnesota report, July 13
cases 42,772, recovered 37,199, hospitalized 4,424(247)*, deaths 1,504, tested 768,989
fatality rate 3.5%
mortality rate 263.9 per million
test rate 134.9 per thousand
Minnesota report, July 14
cases 43,170, recovered 37,749, hospitalized 4,452(236)*, deaths 1,510, tested 777,614
fatality rate 3.5%
mortality rate 264.9 per million
test rate 136.4 per thousand
Minnesota report, July 15
cases 43,742, recovered 38,179, hospitalized 4,495(254)*, deaths 1,518, tested 790,497
fatality rate 3.5%
mortality rate 266.3 per million
test rate 138.7 per thousand

*The number in parenthesis is Minnesota's currently hospitalized COVID-19 cases. This number has ranged up and down between 227 and 274 over the last 20 days, indicating a "slow" but steady rate of spread.
Unfortunately this seems to be the rational in far too many countries on both sides of politics. The Australian Federal government says keeping schools open is safe. The reality is recognized in many other countries - ie the children take it home to the parents and grandparents. Maybe the Feds hope to massively reduce the budget deficit by eliminating all those on the pension.
A few days ago President Trump ordered the CDC and other Federal agencies to send their data on the Corona virus (ie cases, rate of spread, hospitalizations, deaths, etc) through the White House rather than directly to the various news and other non-Federal reporting agencies. I heard on the news last night that said decision had been reversed, but we will have to see what happens. So the numbers may be odd for the next few days, at least, while the President and his buddies play with themselves.

You can find the US number of cases and deaths on the Johns Hopkins website here: "Cumulative Cases" although the numbers will be about 1 day behind (it is 03:00 on the 19th here, too early for the update for the 18th, so the last listing is for the 17th with 77,243 new cases and 943 new deaths).
We are having an increasing number of new contamination again. The ratio is over 1.2 again. I think most people thought it was over and stopped following the rules.

Sorry to hear that. If you makes you feel better, we are way higher than 1.2 in many places, and people still don't follow the rules.
Well, that's basically what caused this upsurge I suspect. Many younger people thought that corona was history and they could party like its 1999.

Here it depends on what side of the river you are. On this side its mostly your 35 to 45 "It's all a hoax Freedom Fighters" crowd that are spreading it. On the other side as you get closer to the city it appears to be the younger "I'm invincible" crowd that are driving up the score.
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