I find this propaganda campaign against the hydroxycocquinn drug to be very disturbing. My brother is a pharmacist and he tells me it has been used as both a treatment and a preventative since 1945. But the Red Chinese and some of the MSM are attacking it. One person died from it they say, but they had taken the Phosphate version of the drug used to clan fishtanks, which is like getting sulfur and sulfuric acid confused. Doctors in NYC are taking it now to help prevent them getting the disease. The only reason to attack a useful treatment that I can think of is to make things worse.
If you are referring to the conversation here, it was about non medical professionals telling people to simply take it. I have taken it before as an anti malaria drug, and am very aware of the side effects. I decided to take my chances with malaria because of them. It should only be taken under a doctors orders, and under their dosage. That was the point of the convo here.