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You always test on animals first...
Nah, just skip that - then you can get straight to injecting disinfectant....Yeah, pretty much. Lab testing, then animal tests, then human tests.
Why are animals used for testing medical products?
Yeah, those dishes catch all sorts of diseases...
Does Covid19 infect monkeys? There seems to be conflicting accounts of how species-specific it is (cats, etc)
Sadly some people will believe anything. People should always consider the source.How have people become so stupid? I know, when it comes to alacrity at math and foreign language, I'm pretty lousy, but I'd have thought almost anybody would know that injecting disinfectants into their veins would be suicidal.
You don't BECOME stupid.
Thank you Beijing for making us all sick.
I saw a video from one of the cable news networks talking about modelling that showed 74,000 deaths in the US by early August.
The thing is, disease has accounted for more deaths, historically, than every single war, humanity has ever waged, put together
I don't understand this disease a around 230 thousands official deaths to now, the alone world war II has 50+ millions deaths w/o including related famine and diseaseThe thing is, disease has accounted for more deaths, historically, than every single war, humanity has ever waged, put together (as far as I know).
Zipper is referencing all diseases since caveman times till nowI don't understand this disease a around 230 thousands official deaths to now, the alone world war II has 50+ millions deaths w/o including related famine and disease
That doesn't answer the obvious question though - why is the US government getting its response to the virus so terribly wrong compared to other nations?
That doesn't answer the obvious question though - why is the US government getting its response to the virus so terribly wrong compared to other nations?