CORSAIR F4U-4; 1/48, Revell

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Between the two types of rockets there is noticeable difference in size and caliber (I guess that's why the name of SCAR -Subcaliber Aircraft Rockets-)

With the fresh idea of how I thought to build my SCAR rockets, I'll tell you how I spent practically all morning today:

After searching in the drawer of the branches, these were the most proportional.

Not very noticeable in the photo, but the white branches are thinner than the HVARs

The excellent images provided by Kirby (turbo) in post # 106, were the basis for my attempt. (It is a photo to the screen of my lap)

Here in Mexico we have a word: "calculómetro" and I think it could be translated into English in a very similar way; That means make calculations of weight, distance, or whatever, without an official reference that gives us the exact data (normally used in cases where we do not have much time ... ).
Using my calculometer, I could determine that the measurement of my SCAR is 1.50 cms. Based on the central image of the screen.

First I started with the adjustments to the pylons and the "rail" where the small rocket rests. That will be born from the HVAR. It will have to reduce the size, the width and the thickness ...

To make the tip of the rocket, I used my drill and with a flat jeweler's file, I formed that top point ...

The following was a good idea, for which I will use a piece of body from a can of soda.

... I'll be back in a moment...
Crazy, right?

I have not been a fan of aftermakers (so far), I have only used the ones that bring the kits, or some leftovers from some of my previous models.
I have seen several rockets in resin and / or PE, but I don´t think about finding a SCAR in 1/48, I do not doubt that they can exist, ... but, anyway, I ventured to do mine!

To a piece of Coke from can, I made him two strips of 0.2cms. (2.0mm)

I cut them in pieces of 0.5cms and I folded them in angle of 90 °

In the tail of the rocket I made a hole of just over 2.0mm and with one of the mini saws of Tamiya I made two cuts in cross to mount in them my new ailerons of the rocket ...

And ... this is the eighth part of my dream ...

... I think I'm going to try to thin the rail even more, it's still a little disproportionate ...

I only made a rocket with its pair of pylons and rail, ... now I only have to do it 7 times more!!; ... but I think it will be faster thanks to the "production line process" ... and I already know the way.

In this panorama that I leave you see the great mess caused by the two tiny pieces that will find following the arrow.

With this I put on record a small tutorial to turn strange dreams into reality. Hahaha

I hope you like it and can be useful.

Saludos cordiales
Luis Carlos
Great work scratchbuilding the SCAR Luis!

And your calculometer is excellent! The dimensions of the SCAR are 2.25 inches in diameter and about 29 inches long with a tail-fin span of 8.3". 29" = 73.66 cm/48 = 1.53 cm and for the tail fin span 8.3" = 21.08 cm/48 = 0.44 cm!! Pretty damn good =D>

Now only 7 more to go...
Gracias amigos.
That's the margin of error of the calculometer
Geo: I owe everything to my managers
Robert: I totally agree, but it was what I found to work in the morning (and on weekdays)

Before continuing with the seven remaining SCARs, I took care of certain details in the wings, necesaries before starting with the rivets of these.
(BTW will be an interesting grid that will give you a better look).

Returning to the shell ejection chutes, I made a adjustment that after doing it I do not think it is relevant, but I entertained a while and anyway I will not get in the way of nothing. My idea was to put a black background for those holes (shell ejection kicks ...). I found an old, totally black credit card and cut it out to put it under the gaps (waste of time, but it is likely that for some other situation it might be viable, and at least, it occurred to me)

... and at last I glued the wings ...

... you can see my "invention" with the black card inside the wings.
But the important thing is that it is the last picture of those four machine guns that do not correspond to our model and version in question ...

The kit does not include the landing light (and other things), and on this occasion I did not make the circular hole to add a piece of styrene from the back (as I have done in some of my previous models), this time I tried something new (for me):

It does not look bad, right?
I probably will not wear the classic aluminum or chrome color, I may see the option of a piece of aluminum foil or a "chaquira" (difficult to explain what it is, but I will show it in due course).
I used a chaquira for the front light in the left wing of my Henkell He-111H-22, ... it's in my gallery -commercial-)

Well, until this sequence, I come back with more ...
Nicely done Luis, and it should look great with its reflector and lens.
I'm guessing that a chaquira is a shiny sequin, used on some costumes etc ?
Shiny sequin, is the correct translation of chaquira. And the description is the most accurate, thank you Terry.
Saludos y gracias
I need an appointment with your therapist! It seems to be working great for you! Love the way you created the light!
My dear Robert, that's a nice and funny comment. I would love to get you an appointment.
I spend very pleasant moments when I can give me the time and concentrate to this, ... also my dear Magy thanks it, supports and enjoys the crazy things I do. Thanks friend.

... continuing ...

I did the same with these lights ...

Space is also ready for the new navigation lights.

Finally (in this sequence of photos) The 3 holes of the machine guns of each wing with its gun camera ...

I hope you enjoy the process, thanks for your visits and comments.

I read that it was called the Whistling Death; question: is there any "nickname" or abbreviation for the Corsair? As well as the Liberator = Lib, Mustang = Tang, P47 = Pecua, etc.

Cheers to the whole gang

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