Current builds start to finish 2024

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I gave up with brush and have no airbrush. I use Tamiya tape and light coats of Tamiya laquer spray paint, dries in 5 minutes, I try to do multiple light coats . Just my take on it, YMMV. Watch out as too many coats will build up paint and you get a "ridge".
Difficult kit, but well worth the build time spent on it. Two difficult kits so far, The ABK and Classic PIA and two easy to excellent ones, the Mania and Fine Molds. This one still needs rigging and touch up to be there.

The interior cockpit took forever. There is a ton of detail and things to paint everywhere. That consumed most of the time this evening. Stopped to cook dinner for the wife and then resumed. I did start late and had a great nap!


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