Current builds start to finish 2024

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Finished rigging on all kits except for the F1M2. It should have been as easy finish before first coat, but it wasn't. It turns out that the upper wing struts ( all of them) are too short. When I tried to mount the pilot's canopy, it sat too high. That raised my blood pressure up became I spent more time on this alone than three of the kits combined. The other one which was very irritating was the A2N2. That is so fragile, you can't handle it anywhere without something coming off. When it comes to the F1M2 , the Tamiya kit is easy and solid. Interior detail is terrible compared to the Hasegawa, but it had way less issues than the Hasegawa one did. Detail overall is,great on the Hasegawa kit, but it does need extra work to make it a lovely chic. The A2N2 is just a pig in a dress with lipstick and a cheap wig.

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