Cyber Hobby (Dragon) Bf-110D-3 Start to finish.

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I started spitting some paint on the kit. Gotta say I'm loving the Valljeo's a lot. It is still early and I am depicting with engine cowell top open an gun bay open. I accidentally broke of the barrel of the MG17 that sticks out the furthest but I found some replacement metal barrels on ebay and ordered some. RB model 48AB03 1/48 7.92mm German MG 17 Barrel. I had some question about the decal sheet being correct on the plane I wanted to use but I found a thread on here and future a artist deception of the plane. input by Crimea_River

Asisbiz Artwork Messerschmitt Bf 110D Zerstorer 6.ZG76 (2N+MP) 1941-0A
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I picked up some Frisket film form Hobby Lobby the other day. I used it to help lay down the wing camo. I like the results. Still a lot to do and go but it is moving along. I tried to thinned down the Vallejo Air Colors and found it was not as easy as I though. I tried some Windex and I was having better result straight out of the bottle. They are thinned as is anyway. The RLM 71 was the one giving me the issue but the 02 was fine, so I will have to try the 71 again. and maybe swapp out the needle. anyway you can see where I am.


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Looking very nice, Don. The belly is now where near as blue in that last picture. She is coming together real nice there.
Well getting along a bit futuer in the compleation of the beast. Still have stuff on orfewr and a lot to do but it is starting to look like a Bf-110


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Yep! Good stuff. RLM 65 is a surprisingly bright blue, I think you are fine with yours. It's always a matter of opinion, more art than science

I use the WEM colourcoats and this has been lightened slightly.


Got a little done this evening. Prop work mostly and some touch up.


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Down to those fiddly bits. I always find that the fiddly bits take far longer than I expected. But, that is looking very nice, Don.
Well as Dale says it I am stuck in fiddly bits. Got the props together and had to add the gear door separators to the main gear and the antennas, crew ladders etc... still have a few things like the ADF antenna and paint the exhaust and canopy and I am still loking for my gun barrels.


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Lost me there, the rudders I painted on the sprue, the lower wing I masked off after the RLM65. Is that what you are asking. I have to go back and clean up the rudder hing. Not sure if I answered you question. German WW II aircraft are not my norm, but I am having fun with this. And I have picked up several more so I will be doing more. Also have in the starch several other Luftwaffe birds. I have always been a little intimidated by the paint schemes, this is helping to ease that some.

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