Cyber Hobby (Dragon) Bf-110D-3 Start to finish.

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The early Bf 110's had a very prominent ADF antenna, the Cyber Hobby gives you a double loop antenna, but it is PE and flimsy as well as one dimensional. I don't like it and I don't like PE, at least not too much of it. It has it's place but I think there is way too much of it and some of the PE could take the form of plastic or other mediums. Any way the Fujimi kit has a nice loop antenna in it as as I have several of the CH kit and don't want to strech sprue and make a buch of loop antenna, next best thing is to steal the one from the Fujimi kit for a template.

I figure most of you have done resin casting at one point or another. but I'll go through it for the less intended. Get some building block, interlocking type such as Leggos. You can use thes to make just the right size mold. Take the blocks and make the mold to what size you need. Use some modeling clay to make a dam for the mold, take a little glue to hold you subject in place (Gator's Grip should work nicely, many say ca but I have had a hard time getting it up) and use some card stock to make the bottom. Glue subject in place and press mold down for a firm seat in the clay. Get you RTV Silicone out and as you can see there are several to chose from. I get my Alumilite from Hobby Lobby and ALWAYS use the weekly 40% off coupon. The effects I get from Ebay. Price is about the same. Unless you do this often, maix up the silicone thougrly as it will seperat over time. You will need something heavy and stiff to getit up off the bottom and mixed in. Measure out the amount you want and add the hardner, (10 to 1 ratio is the norm) I use a little more hardner to have it set up a little faster. and we let it set to dry.


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After the silicone mold drys break it free and remove the template. mix you resin in a 1 to 1 ration and pour. This is a very small mols so some working in of the resin is due. WARE LATEX GLOVES! Let dry.


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Very nice sir and I do thank you for your suggestions. I don't have solder or copper and don't want to repeatedly stretch sprue for the same subject I like the idea of the copper or solder but I could not find my soldering kit. It is probably on the bottom of a pile around here somewhere as I have nnot seen or used it in 6 month. so anyway. Here are the results of my work, (I do keep silicone and risen all the time).


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And that sir is perfect. I shall have to get the wire. It makes the most since to me for the subject mater. Thank you both for following and giving great suggestions.
Oh joy, oh joy. It's masking time, the joy clouds overwhelm me. Well got the mask on tand the first coat of under coat paint (RLM02) on.

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