D-Day Commerative air show, Duxford, May 2014

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Very nice shots Terry and Karl. Thank you both for sharing in the fun. Terry, I am sorry to hear you have the shingles sir. Eric is suffering from them also. They are NOT fun in any shape, fashion, or form. Here's to hoping you feel better soon sir. Oh, and I see you got several shots your loving Wildcat. Very nice.:thumbright:
Thanks again chaps, and thanks for the good wishes Aaron. I think I'm slowly on the mend, as the rash has diminished considerably, and the pain is now more of a dull throbbing - hopefully, I'll get some sleep tonight.
I'll ignore the comment about the Wil.... er, Martlet !
I'm having weird problems on the forum at he moment, and it's taken me an hour to just type this! Don't know what's going on, but the pages have been swapping around, jumping up and down, and there's been a delay of between 5 and 10 seconds between typing and the text appearing !
Anyway, let's hope I can load and post this sequence of the Mustang and Spitfire MkIX display.
Well, they've loaded, but they are all out of sequence, and I can't re-arrange them!
I've had enough of b*ggering about, so it'll have to do - I'm off back to bed !!!


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Beautiful shots Terry, and glad you're on the mend!

Been having similar problems with the forum too, wonder what's causing it?
Thanks very much chaps, glad you like them.
Here's a small selection of the Patrouille de France, from the Armee de L'Air, who once again put on an impressive display.
More warbirds, and others, tomorrow.


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Thanks chaps, and apologies for the gap in posting more pics.
Since the withdrawal of support for Windows XP, I've had to up-date my computer and change the operating system, which, together with being laid low by shingles, accounts for my absence for the past week. Unfortunately, it's not possible to migrate all my settings, programmes, files etc direct from XP to W7, so I've had to temporarily install Vista, which does allow the change over, and can then have the W7 installed, which is taking some time, due to the amount of malware since the end of XP support.
However, 'Irfanview' is not working on Vista at the moment, so I need to get this sorted before I can post more pics. As soon as the 'new' software' has settled down, and the 'Irfanview' problems resolved, I'll post the remaining sets form the D-Day show.
Yes, it is. I can open the irfanview menu, but it won't allow me to open 'My Pictures'. But my computer friend is working on it, as am I. It might be something as simple as the 'new' settings just taking time to sort themselves out, as there was a lot to do before my programmes, settings, files etc could be migrated from XP to Vista, due to the rapid, and massive influx of malware and spyware. It took seven hours, on a professional workshop bench, just to scan and clean the system ! And another day or two to get things working as they were before the end of XP support.
No doubt I'll get it sorted eventually though.

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