Declare Ur Submissions For Group Build #2, PTO...

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I'm with you there mate! It used to be great when the local model shops, in most places, stocked huge ranges of decals, it was worthwhile then. But, to pay £6 to £8 or more for a decal sheet, plus shipping, when you probably only need two or three of the decals on the sheet, gets a tad costly. That's one of the reasons that, in the past, I've hand-painted code letters for instance. I'm definitely going to start making some of my own decals, or those that are feasible, on the computer, now that ink-jet decal sheets are available.
Nah! Always been that way mate. Any old monkey can assemble a state-of-the-art Tamigawa, throw in lots of PE and resin, and end up with a reasonable model. I prefer something that's at least accurate in it's basic outline etc, and then be able to make my own detail additions. I think I'd rather spend £10 and 100 hours to make a good replica, than £30 or more, and ten hours!
I will, of course, still buy the more expensive kits if there isn't an alternative, or if the project justifies it, but I got my fingers burned with the Dragon 1/32nd scale P51D just over two years ago. It was £30, quite expensive then (still is) and, although in its basics, a well produced kit, the fit of parts was, quite frankly, bl**dy terrible, and I felt I'd been conned! It's made me wary of all such kits I'm afraid.

I'm with you, Af; there's nothing quite as satisfying as taking a halfway decent kit and really making it shine. Like you said, ANYBODY can buy a high-quality kit and have it turn out okay, but to take a mediocre kit and make it look good is a talent (one I, unfortunately, don't have).

BTW, I don't know if this is the right place to bring it up, but is it too late for me to join this GB? I know we're a month past the start date, but I've got a 1/32nd P-38 (yes, the old Revell kiit!) that's been sitting patiently on my shelf for about 10 years waiting for an excuse to get built.
Okay, here's my "official" submission:

I'll be doing the 1/32nd Revell P-38J Lightning in (of course) PTO markings. I would like to compete in the Category 2, "Intermediate Modeller", since I'm not a beginner anymore, but I'm not into scratch-building or modifying models, either (yet). I have decals for Maj. Thomas McGuire's a/c, but since I plan on doing an olive drab over grey camoflage scheme, I might have to change the decals, since McGuire never flew a camoflaged a/c (to my knowledge).

I'll keep y'all updated . . . .
Stitch, start a thread with "P-38 yada, yada, yada, Group Build" and you cab start posting all the relevant stuff in there. make sure you have the Category number, scale and info about the plane and pilot. Good luck!
Great to have you in the build Stitch. Not much to do to change a P38J to an 'H' I don't think. I remember the old Revell kit, quite nice for the time, and rather large! A lot can be done with it, I seem to recall.

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