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Guys, this might be an intersting academic argument, but the chances of a direct hit by ground fire of a B-17 was extremely low. We have all seen the mugshots of huge chunks of B-17s missing, and B-17s being cut in half, but the truth is this was an extremely rare event. thats why people took pictures of them, because they seldom saw such things.
That's not what they were arguing about. They were arguing about the effects of the 30mm mine shell (HE(M)) on the P-51, then they went off on a tangent comparing the ruggednes of fighters vs bombers.
Yes, kool kitty89
It certainly is a direkter Treffer, so again it comes to the question, what word or expression defines the German word Volltreffer in English? or how do you distinguish in English between a direct hit and a hit that causes total destruction?
Sorry I really don't want to make a language discussion out of this, but since different nationalities are presenting their posts on this forum, sometimes the "wrong" word or term can lead to misinterpretation and as such to heated discussions.
If any shell 30mm and or other wise does not hit "bone" (something of substance motor, fuel tank, tail, longrod) it keeps moving ...If you don't hit bone when you shot a person they can keep going..Just do to a round being big has nothing to do with it ... Ground small arms fire downed alot of planes...
And the said P-51 hit by the Me-262 30mm did not hit bone so it hit the wing and out the other side ..I'm sure it happend all the time..At that time in the war who knows what the Me-262 was spitting out the 30mm.. I'm sure the not all exsplosive around went off .. Some were I read a lot more around did not go off then people think...
If any shell 30mm and or other wise does not hit "bone" (something of substance motor, fuel tank, tail, longrod) it keeps moving ...If you don't hit bone when you shot a person they can keep going..Just do to a round being big has nothing to do with it ... Ground small arms fire downed alot of planes...
And the said P-51 hit by the Me-262 30mm did not hit bone so it hit the wing and out the other side ..I'm sure it happend all the time..At that time in the war who knows what the Me-262 was spitting out the 30mm.. I'm sure the not all exsplosive around went off .. Some were I read a lot more around did not go off then people think...
Bill I don't think that was his question, he wanted to know if there was a term in english describing a hit that results in total distruction/a kill, opposed to a hit that directly impacts on a major portion of the aircrafts structure.
And personally I cant think of a decisive term for that, maybe critical hit, but that doesn't quite fit.
And Haztoys I don't think it would be very likely for a round to go "through and through" they're (mine shell) designed to deonate just after prnnetrating the skin, and some (type N) have additional fuzing for contact with liquids.
Plus at that angle (assuming the depiction in the animation is correct) a shot hitting the wing at an angle to go straight through isn't likely.
On the other hand hitting .040-.050 thick 2024-T4 isn't like hitting steel plate- it shouldn't glance off - otherwise how would they believe they got hit by a 30mm round?
However as I mentioned earlier, and Soren adressed, a glancing blow (somewhat analogous to a grazing bullet) could easily have accured at such an angle and thus hit without activating the fuze and simply bounce off.
or some Russian slave labor stuffed it with cotton candy
Or the fuze was defective, or some Russian slave labor stuffed it with cotton candy, or it burst short of wing causing surface damage but not fatal - who knows?
Hi Kruska
A direct hit in my opinion is where the shell contacts the aircraft, prior to detonation. the shell may or may not explode.
My point in that regard was perhaps a little unclear. The main point I was trying to make was that direct hits by German AA (heavy) was such a rare event as to be not worth worrying about. I was getting a little worried that the thread was likley to be closed unless we were able to cool things off a little
Yes, all those are good, defective/dud ets or a hit that drtikes very close to parallel to the wing surface and doesn't activate the fuze and bounces off.
But I still don't think the scenario where the shell just punches through the wing is likely.
The Mine shells were thin walled and fit with fuzes which just wouldn't allow them to go directly through both sides of a wing without exploding. What happened if it was the Minen Geschoss is that it simply bounced off and fell earthward, however the shells were fortunately selfdestructive and exploded after they had travelled a certain distance/time. (Wouldn't want such thinks exploding in peoples backyard)
Now reading about what ammunition types were used operationally it seems that the Me-262's were equipped pretty much exclusively with Mine rounds, so I think we can be fairly certain this was the type which struck Candelaria's wing.
Now as for the effectiveness of the 30mm Mine shell, well it was established that it generally took 5 hits to destroy a bomber, which demonstrates the lethality of the round. Now that coupled with the illustrated effectiveness of the Mine shell, we know a fighter wouldn't survive a hit with detonation from such a round and then fly on, and to think it could not only fly on but also continue to shoot down another two a/c is absurd!
So conclusion must be that the round failed to detonate on impact and the -51 got away with a scare.