Dog subjected to monstrous cruelty

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Imalko, I got your PM and I'm gonna bring this up to some Executive Board members tomorrow. I have a training session with them and I'll be sure to let them know.

You have good motels and restuarants in Serbia?
So evil, Dogs are one of my favorite animals, how could someone do that? I hope they put the people who did it in jail for life. A Sadist who does stuff like that could turn to humans as well. Better Put locked away for good I say.

Poor dog, how is it ever going to walk again?
Sad part of all this is that there are a ton of people and cultures who can give a rats a@@ about dogs/cats etc. How many times do we hear of dogs being dragged behind trucks, cats being burned etc etc. I'm a hunter but when it comes to dogs I consider them family, Just torks me off that someone would hurt an animal that has the ability to bond emotionally with ones self and family. hang the sob.
Vets say rescued dog needs peace
30 April 2010 / Belgrade / Source: FoNet
Veterinarians say that despite appearing to do well, Mila, the dog rescued with all her legs cut off, is suffering from serious health problems.

The one-year-old mixed breed that's been at the center of a shocking animal cruelty case has pneumonia among other health issues, analyses have shown. The tests have also shown enlarged gallbladder and a kidney disorder, the Belgrade Veterinary Institution announced on Thursday.
The complete examination of Mila included x-rays of her legs and lungs, abdominal ultrasound and blood tests, and was a part of preparations for a complicated surgery that will see the dog implanted with prosthetic limbs.
"The dog's overall health condition is a consequence of a long period of lying down, as well as of long-lasting emaciation and a lack of adequate veterinary care in the period when the injuries were inflicted, which is why Mila, besides intensive care, needs isolation and and peace," the announcement reads.
"While we're grateful for the attention which the media and citizens of Belgrade are giving to Mila, the Belgrade Veterinary Institution is appealing that her peace is not disturbed by visits and filming in the coming days," the institution said in a statement, adding that the public will be regularly informed the rescued dog's condition.
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Thanks for the update Igor.
When I told Ivett about this when you first posted, she asked if it wouldn't be kinder to just put her down. If her health is continuosly deteriorating, maybe she's right??
Thanks for the update Igor.
When I told Ivett about this when you first posted, she asked if it wouldn't be kinder to just put her down. If her health is continuosly deteriorating, maybe she's right??

I was thinking the same thing. Sometimes it's just more humane to put an animal down rather than prolonging it's pain and suffering. Being thousands of miles away from this and not seeing first hand this dogs condition it's hard to say what is the best thing to do for the animal, but I hope the Vets aren't keeping her alive just to appease the animal rights people that may raise a stink if the animal it put to rest.
Truly a sad story.
Basically I agree with you guys, if an animal's condition is indeed untreatable and keeping her alive would mean only a prolonged suffering and nothing else, then she should be put to rest.
However, when they showed the dog on TV last time, she looked fine. Apart from the vets that taking care of her we really don't know how exactly is she doing. According to available information (including the ones I've posted few posts back) Mila indeed has health problems, but her condition is far from being hopeless. With her legs wrapped in special bandages she even managed to make a few paces. She's a young dog and I wouldn't give up on her yet.


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I agree. Cut them all off, right at the neck!!!

Basically, I'm a cat person, having been raised with 6 cats in the house back home, but I like dogs too.
The poor dog, I hope the vets'll do what's right for her, and if she recovers from all of her ailments, then I sure hope she gets a wonderful life with a family who'll take really good care of her, cater to her special needs and love her incredibly much.
I think, for Mila's sake, nurse her back to health. Give the poor girl a chance to (figuratively) flip the finger at the arsewipes who did this. Don't give them the satisfaction of completing their job! She just needs some time, love and care to get back on the right side of healthy.
Imalkp, that pic struck at my heart. man..........

I contacted some of the people in my Association and I'm trying to get in contact with the head of a training organization that we have connections to. Takes time.....
She's one brave girl! I really hope she pulls through this.

Any news on the culprits Igor? I reckon the loss of a finger as permanent memento and a long prison sentence would be apt punishment for them...

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