**** DONE: 1/32 Bf109G-2 - Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII

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Seen the oxy regulators in blue, and also with what appears to be a rotating cover, painted in the interior colour.

Ive seen both too, seeing as the last G-2 I did was blue I left this one as is to be different...

Ok, glued the instrument panel in place, cleaned up all the seams and the tail joint, prepped and drilled out the machine guns and fitted them to the upper cowl section, should have this baby together in the next few days....


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Thanks Guys!

Got the cockpit prepped and seatbelts added and placed in the fuselage and glued the lower fuselage and wing support sections to the fuselage also. Wings are also sanded andready to fit in place tomorrow.


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Very nice, Wayne. And, Happy New Years to all. Think I will spend the night with the Dora and glue. I just may be nicely baked by midnight!
Cheers guys....Wings and horizontal stabs in place...


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