<> **** DONE: 1/32 Corsair F4U-1A - WW1 / WW2 over Water.

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OK, thanks guys I'm in! Given the amount of available modelling time I have I might struggle to get to the finish line in time but I'll give it my best shot. Will be fun I'm sure nevertheless.

I'm in the US at the moment Andy but will follow your instructions once I'm home next week.

Cheers, Kirby
Well Kirby, do not stop updating in both sub-forums and we can follow you ...
I hope at some point to be able to accompany you in a GB :cyclopsani:

Cheers :thumbup:
Luis Carlos
Thanks Wojtek, John, and Andy, glad to be aboard the GB!

Small update - the fuse is buttoned up and surprise, surprise, the fit was perfect. Just some quick sanding of seams required and one spot of filler in the ventral seam which was a self-inflicted wound from over-zealous cutting at a sprue attachment point.

ventral seam web.jpg

The dark line either side of the filler is not an unfilled seam, but welded plastic discoloured by the interior paint. Will be checking my seams in the next update to prove it :oops:
Thanks guys. Painted over the ventral window with Insignia White. As soon as I did it I realised I should have probably painted it zinc chromate yellow as I guess for a 1A they would have painted over it at the factory with primer at the same time as the rest of the airframe. Or was it done later as a field mod in white?? Anyway, unless anybody has any info on this I might strip it at my next paint session and repaint ZCY.

window painted_web.jpg

I took the opportunity of the paint session to check my seams.

dorsal seams web.jpg
ventral seams web.jpg

I've damaged the paint on the headrest through handling - I'll fix that later once I've got most of the airframe together. The seams are all good though, so I completed weathering of the wing spar sub-assembly prior to attachment with some shading and dirtying up with oils. The ejector pin marks are not visible under the seat and foreward bulkhead.

inner wings finished web.jpg

The kit instructions call for attachment of the engine and cowl assembly to the airframe at this point, but I've decided to leave that for later. I'll be posing the cowl flaps open so want to leave attachment of this assembly until after painting so that I can easily access the forward fuselage section and not get paint inside the cowl flaps and engine area. Test fitting suggests I can do it (famous last words!), so I went ahead and fitted the wing spar sub-assembly. Like everything else on this kit the fit was perfect and the assembly fits snugly against the fuse, leaving no gap at the wing root :thumbright:. I have also put together and attached the horizontal stabs - no gaps again. She's starting to take shape...

airframe1 web.jpg
Looking great. Not sure how much detail is provided on the interior of the cowl flaps but there was a fairly elaborate system of cables and pulleys that would be visible with these open. I scratch built some of this on my little 1/48 Corsair.

Thanks Andy, that's the one area where Tamiya is deficient in detail in this kit so, yes, I have consigned myself to scratch building the cable and pully system. How did you go about it?

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