Thanks gents! Fishing kept me from the workbench for most of the weekend but I manage to spray the upper wings on Sunday evening.
First I tested my camo colors on a piece of spare plastic.From left to right are:
1. Tamiya XF-20 Medium Grey as an initial test for the "Primer Grey" described on the Eagle Cal instructions.
2. My version of Primer Grey using XF-20 lightened with some White.
3. The RLM 83 Dark Green seems to be matched pretty well using Tamiya XF-61 Dark Green straight out of the bottle.
4. My RLM 81 Brown Violet was a real hodgepodge, using Tamiya X-9 Brown as a base and adding various greens and greys.
5. RLM 75 Grey was mixed from Tamiya XF-63 German Grey lightened with White and then adding some Gunze H-49 Violet.
The upper wing and tail surfaces were masked off and then preshaded using my normal routine. The Primer Grey was sprayed on first.
The Dark Green was sprayed freehand, carefully marking the edges of the camo pattern to avoid overspray and then filling in each section.
Little spots of overspray were carefully corrected. Referring back to the painting instructions from the Eagle Cal instructions revealed a small oversight on my part. The horizontal tail surfaces are different than the wings being RLM 75/ RLM 83. So I'll have to replace the Primer Grey areas with RLM 75... a bit of hassle since I need to re-mask the tail.