**** DONE: 1/32 N1K2-J Shiden-Kai - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Ok, I need to know your process when doing the instrument panel. Looks great

Same here Wayne, how in the world did you paint those gauges, fantastic work

As Cory said i like to cut out each one individually and apply them over a couple of days in different spots so you don't damage them if they are not set.
Panel is painted flat Black, then I drybrush either Sky Grey XF-19 or Mithril Silver depending on just what effect i am after. in this case went with the silver and silver pencil for the fine dial details, I then applied those decal dials that were necessary to give the right detail that painting and drybrushing would not quite achieve, more than half have been left in the silver, i still will use a bit of black pastel where necessary to dull or remove what i feel is excess drybrushed areas of the silver....have test fitted of the panel within the cockpit to check how it looks, which is good to date I think...

Thanks to all for your interest so far.
Hey, Wayne, I kinda used your idea for the panel on the Corsair. However, I did NOT cut out each instrument. But, I did cut away any non-dial related decal, if that makes sense. Careful alignment of the couple/three decals onto the resin IP and some setting solution and things sure looked better than I expected. So, thank you for sharing your idea. I think I asked you about that in another thread. But, THANKS for sharing once again!
Your welcome Mate, sometimes I apply a string of decals too if they line up right...but they don't always do what you want...

Havent done much here the past few days other than prep a couple of engine bits...


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