**** DONE: 1/32 N1K2-J Shiden-Kai - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Thanks guys.

removed a hatch from the fuselage and rescribed the panel line in it's place, fitted the tail sections to their respective fuselage halves and assembled the horizontal stabs....


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Nice Wayne, I'm guessing the tail is separate piece to enable different Mk's or versions ?

There are 2 Versions Karl, early - mine broad tail , late version narrower tail with the hatch I sanded off and some extra underwing detail for rockets or bombs.

Excellent job on the hatch. Was it a raised detail? If not, what did you fill the recesses with?

Yep, raised detail sanded down.

Today I only had time to sand down the join line of tail to fuselage for both halves, seems to have worked out ok...


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Thanks very much guys....fuselage glued together now and seams 95% sanded and panel lines tidied up....some nice big spacers in the fuselage to keep everything solid and allow a good fuselage to wing joint.


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