**** DONE: 1/32 N1K2-J Shiden-Kai - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Very nice indeed Wayne. For the panel lines, did you or does this kit need the panel lines re-scribed?

When the lower wing inserts are installed you do need to tidy up a couple of panel lines once the insert is blended in. There are also a couple of panel lines that wrap around the wing and need to be extended on the lower wing as well.

Thanks again for your comments guys...
Thanks Vic...

some further work, lower air scoop in place forgot to add this one to last set....sanding of lower rear fuselage to wing joint, added a couple of small sections of stretched sprue worked in to some joints as circled, plus rescribed the appropriate panel line for the main joint shown by the arrows and also tidied up the perpendicular panel lines along the main joint.

Exhaust added to the engine and all dry fitted to fuselage with cowling to show how it all looks...


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