**** DONE: 1/32 Spitfire Mk.VIII - Home Country Modern Aircraft/Spitfire GB

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Good one Cory. Gerry is building this kit right now as well. Nice of your Dad to get it for you - a few lawn mowings in your future!

Glad to see you're tackling a Spit, Cory. however, I'm building the poor man's version - the Hobby Boss 1/32 MkVb. Hope your conversion works out and look forward to seeing it progress.


Thanks Gerry, a little late though since I haven't been on for a while. I've popped in and looked at your Spit, fantastic stuff, and luckily I think I was able to do an acceptable job of plugging up the rear landing gear hole.

Ok, so progress has been slow between me doing summer "activities" that of course have nothing to do with beer, and just not working on it during my downtime. That has changed over the past two days as I have finished the cockpit, put the fuselage together, and put the wings on. I have taken photos but cannot upload them right now. Might be able to get some paint on the bottom tonight, so that begs the question if I'm able to do the top colours tomorrow, would there be large ETO roundels overpainted with the brown with the small SEAC roundel placed in the centre of that? My decal sheet says yes, but other sources have said no. I'm hoping someone here knows, and it's rare I get disappointed.
Ok, here we go! The cockpit was a process due to me somewhat procrastinating with it, but it went together nicely. I do not know if I'm fitting the pilot yet, so I haven't put all the belts in, but I should be able to slide them in no problem.

The wings:

Fuselage. Here's some of what I did to plug the hole where the wheel comes out of. Basically took a piece that you need to cut off and cut it down to the length of the hole and sanded it a bit so it would fit in properly, then put a combination of normal glue and CA to hold it in place. Didn't come out perfect, but don't think it came out badly. Realized after painting the bottom colour that I hadn't put a panel line down the middle, but that's pretty straightforward.

Fuselage and wings together:

After painting. Tried a new method of using silly putty to get a softer edge. It worked, however I ended up with paint everywhere so I decided to just mask it, and I'll experiment more on a "derelict".

Decals are actually now on, but I haven't gotten photos yet. Next up is the engine. Won't be putting a ton of work into it as it'll be in flight and I won't be pulling the panels off. The Mustang's there for that.
Thanks guys!

I suppose it is, isn't it? Never been great at painting figures though.
I always spray them with a coat of flat black first, (takes care of those pesky shadows), and then hit the highlights. If the canopy is closed, you can't see much detail anyways. And in a Spit 'pit,...well,...

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