Cheers guys. Painting time! I started today by squirting on the white for the AEAF stripes on the fuselage. The white has been cut with a bit of grey so that it's not so punchy.
After masking the white, I sprayed on the black stripes and a bit of the Sky. The black has a couple of drops of white in it to, again, reduce the starkness of the colour.
After lunch, I mixed up some Sky (roughly 4 parts Tamiya XF-21 to 1 part White) and sprayed the rest of the undersides, all the while being bugged about the stripes not looking quite right. After checking some references, I realized that I had made the stripes a scale 18" wide rather than the required 24" for twin-engined planes! So, more grey/white was mixed, sprayed over the black stripes and new masks applied.
Much better!
The Sky was sprayed on very thinly as per John's technique so that some of the preshading showed through. I then darkened and lightened the paint in the cup and went over the undersides again in a random pattern to give it a very patchy look. Here you see how it turned out so far, with more weathering to follow later.
Here's how she looks right now. Already, I blew off one of the little eyelets installed earlier and broke one of the radio altimeter antennas. The blast panels for the rockets will be painted a bare steel colour later.
I've been nursing a cold all day and would have liked to spray on a coat of Future. However, I ran out of steam when I picked up my Paasche brush and found that it was seized up and needs to be cleaned. Tomorrow is another day........