<-- **** DONE: 1/48 Beaufighter TF X - Twin Engined Aircraft of WWII

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The guys are right, probably more trouble than worth Andy.
BUT, that said, personally (me being me) I would still try and correct it, ar risk of doing more damage than good. (The problem of perfectionism - hard to find the 'off' switch)
Thanks guys. I'm the type that can't let this stand so I bit the bullet today and remedied the gun sight problem. At first I just tried to pull off the reflector glass and reset it but it turned out that the glass was attached better than the mount and the whole thing pulled away with minimal force. Maybe a good thing as it might have fallen off with a mild shock.

Anyway, I pulled the whole thing out again, flipped the glass along with it's tape supports and reinstalled the sight. I guess all the practice I had yesterday was a good thing as I had the thing back in place in about 10 minutes. As a bonus, it actually ended up a little better placed and looks more like it's swung out of the way toward the stowed position.


These little nubs on the oil cooler exhaust ports had been knocked off in handling earlier so I replaced them now.


The fit of the cupola is less than ideal as it's a bit too wide for its opening. I end up having to build up the step with layers of PVA glue and I got it to the point where I'm more or less satisfied with how it turned out. The gun barrel will be installed next, probably after all the R/Ps are installed.


Thanks for all the support guys. I have 6 of the 8 R/P's modified (AGAIN) and hope to start installing them on the weekend. As with every Saturday, I'll be working on the 1:1 scale Mosquito so not much will get done tomorrow. Good thing we extended the GB by a week!
Here are all 8 R/Ps part way through painting. The rails have been painted a bare aluminum colour and the rockets themselves are primed. I will be doing all this using a hairy stick as they are so delicate that I'm afraid that the airbrush will blow the fins off. The assemblies are organized by number because each pair has a different length of forward mounts so that, hopefully, I'll be able to replicate the stagger of the rails without too much trouble. Lots of finicky work ahead yet.

Thanks everyone. Here's a finished R/P assembly ready for installation. The rocket motors are painted dark green, the warheads black, the rails aluminum and the white stripes on the warhead nose white, all hand painted. The Niphan cable on the back of the rail connects to the aircraft. The cable is lead wire and the end has received a slice of plastic rod and a build-up of thick CA to make the plug. The cables from the rocket motors would plug into the back of the rail for arming.

Thanks all. Robert, my initial attempt was to build a small paint holder to dip the rocket tips in but that didn't work as the Tamiya paint dried too quickly and did not create a nice, straight line. I ended up just doing them by hand. The black line is actually done with a .5mm artist pen. Not perfect but good enough.

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