**** DONE: 1/48 CA-12 Boomerang,ZA-O, RAAF 8 CU, New Guinea 1943 Commonwealth GB

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Hey Gang.... After a busy busy last few weeks of december plus 4 weeks R&R down at my caravan at the beach I'm no longer MIA

The start of the 'twin wasp'

the little silver crome pipes aren't supplied, instructions say to scratch build.. its just a bit of wire I had lying around that I straightened....

Damned fiddley ( Is that even a word?) I've discarded as many bits as I've placed on the damn thing... just a little big.... oops to small!!! LOL

The rear of the engine looks the same has little chrome pipes in place too... am wondering with whats visible once the fuselage halves are joined whether or not its worth the effort!!

The 'Wasp', pic is a bit ordinary though

Now the fun, having trouble getting the fuselage halves to close together around the cockpit and engine!

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