**** DONE: 1/48 CF-104 Starfighter - The Jet Age.

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Update on the seat. Before Terry continued the debate on the red and white stripes on the knee guard arms via a PM to me, I had decided to add them and indeed had finished them yesterday. I used some small American flag decal stripes and applied these to the top side of the arms, the sides not being seen once the seat is installed in the cockpit tub. In addition, I discovered that a red survival kit was installed under the seat pad so I painted this part red. The placard under the head rest was removed and replaced with a home made decal that was printed from a reduced picture of the real placard posted earlier. Lap belts were then added using foil from a wine bottle and then the netting, which restrained the pilot's arms on ejection, was added using thin strips of Tamiya tape painted a dark olive green.

To finish, I need to add the shoulder belts, oxygen hose, and then attach the seat to the rails. Thanks for looking in.

Beaut job on the seat Andy!
I hope you get to see '846', and solve the stripes issue !
EDIT:- I've just discovered that what I thought were yellow handles (mentioned in my e-mail), is in fact the edge of the PSP under the seat cushion - Doh !
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Really like the work on that seat Andy.

Had one of these lined up to do myself in this build Andy, would have been a Luftwaffe one, but not sure if I'll get there.
Thanks Vic.

Today I finished off the seat with the addition of the home made shoulder belts and guitar string oxygen hose. I then slid the seat down the rails and into the pre-painted cockpit tub.

Next it was on to the instrument panel which, on CF-104's, differed from others as evidenced by the large attitude indicator front and center and the resulting reorganization of the instruments to its right. The following pics show the kit IP followed by my modifications.

For those interested, here is a good pic of a CF-104 instrument panel which I'm using as reference:

Seat looks great and now you are replacing dials on a 1/48 IP???? Your work always inspires me to try stuff on my builds!
Thanks guys.

To finish the instrument panel, I cut some decals from the kit instrument panel sheet, used some generic aftermarket decals, and added the canopy locking lever and what I think is the drogue chute pull. Here she is, all done and awaiting installation into the pit.

Anyone with this Hasegawa kit needs to watch the sequence of assembly closely. The instrument panel is to be glued to the shroud first, then after the fuselage halves are glued together, the panel/shroud assembly is to be inserted into the tub from the outside in a twisting motion. To allow that to happen, the joy stick needs to be left out until the very end.

While all this was going on, I had been assembling miscellaneous parts while I waited for paint or glue to dry. I had temporarily clamped the fuselage together to hold the tailpipe in place in the correct position on one side while the glue set and while that was happening, I attended to the cannon aperture. Early Canadian Starfighters were deployed to Europe in a nuclear strike role and so they dispenses with the cannon and installed an additional fuel cell. The opening for the cannon was faired over as seen in under the "R" in this pic:

Fortunately, this kit provided supplemental resin parts for the German CCV test aircraft in this included a resin plus fro the gun trough. Before and after below:

The wheel well was also assembled and installed into the belly of one side of the fuselage. Most of the details will be hidden once the rear gear door is installed so I won't bother with detailing this area.

Here's how it's left for the night with everything ready to mate the fuselage halves.

Thanks for checking in.

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