**** DONE: 1/48 Corsair II - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Hope you had a good weekend skiing Andy. Last time I skied in the French Alps, I spent two weeks looking for red snow and black snow - did some very steep and fast runs, but the snow was still white!

I've got me coat ...........................
Well, the skiing was, let's call it entertaining. Tons of snow, almost too much really, and a little too warm. The mountain was socked in all weekend with almost constant precipitation. Rain getting on the lift, ice pellets half way up, and deep powder at the summit, half of which was closed due to avalanche conditions. It made for very tricky skiing as one progressed through changing conditions from top to bottom. We did get one short break in the weather, long enough to get our bearings and to savour some of the spectacular views. Here are few pics with my wife, daughter, and me to save a thousand words:

Beautiful views there, Andy! Thank you for sharing with us. And, it is nice to put a face to the name. Maybe I will get around to posting a picture or two of myself... only if you guys PROMISE not to let any small children or furry creatures see em. I tend to scare both badly.
Looks like a great time Andy. I got my skis out a month ago for the first time in 15 years. Surprisingly still remembered how to do it and had forgotten how much fun it is. All the snow is gone here now so Ill have to wait till next winter now, but I'm sure going to get out more that one time next year.
Very true Geo. On the day we skied Fernie, 2 guys were caught in an avalanche at Sunshine in Banff. It was on a run that is part of the resort known to be avalanche prone and the only way you are allowed on is to wear a beacon and pack a shovel. Both survived.

Anyway, back to the model soon, though some family issues that came up today may pull me away again quickly.
Decals arrived safe and sound yesterday, thanks. 10 days by mail to cover what is about a 12 hour car ride. And to think it only took 7 days to send decals to Jan in Scotland. I've never used this brand of decal before and curious how they react with whichever solutions you use.

10 days??? That's insane! I usually get stuff across the country to relatives in Toronto in 3-4 days.

Anyway, I sure hope the decals survive too or I'll be bugging you again. Motivation on this model has been slow in returning after an unscheduled trip back east to attend a funeral. I got back Saturday and have only today begun getting back into it. I started on the little scoops in the side of the fuselage that were unique to FAA Corsairs per the arrow in the picture below. I'll post up a series of pics soon showing how I made these as they're only half finished at the moment.

Well OK then!

In the book "Carrier Pilot", by Norman Hanson, he states that the little scoops on the sides of the FAA Corsairs were installed to vent out built-up exhaust gases from inside the fuselage. The side vents presumably brought in fresh air that was then exhausted through another vent on the bottom of the fuselage carrying the noxious stuff with it. To make the side vents, I first determined, based on scaling the pic above, that a 1.7mm diameter rod would be appropriate for the base material. I cut a length of this, clamped it into a vice, and flattened one face.

Then the two adjacent faces were also flattened with a file....

..upon which cut lengths of plastic card were glued.

A rough filing to shape, followed by some Tamiya primer was then done and a trial fit made into a hole drilled into the fuselage revealed that the scoop stood a bit too far out. My belief is that the intake was more or less square in shape:

So a bit of an adjustment was done by cutting some of the plastic card back a bit so that the rod could be inserted further into the hole and it now looks about right:

The scoops will now be removed and properly polished for painting. I will not install these permanently until the final stages after the decals are installed as it will be difficult to get the decals to set properly over the scoops if I glued them in now. The rectangular panel in the above photo will also be filled in as I don't see it in the reference pic. After that, I'll also add a riveted flange for the scoop around the hole in the fuselage to finish off the detail.

Thanks for looking in. Hopefully I can build some momentum on this build again. Next step will be the exhaust vent on the underside.
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