**** DONE: 1/48 Corsair II - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Looks great Andy. I have resin prop blades that came with the FAA Corsair set I bought which are theoretically the blades you need, and they don't appear to be any different than the kit ones to be completely honest. I don't think I need them for this Corsair, but if you do you're welcome to them.

Also, are you able to post the dimensions of your underside scoop for me? Thanks.
Thanks very much guys.

Cory, that would be great if you could donate those blades. Do you still have my address? If you're comparing these blades to the ones in the -1A kit, you should not notice much of a difference but my -1D kit only includes the wider Hamilton Standard blades. Apparently, the ones I need should be the same as used on Avengers.

As for the underside scoop, I merely eyeballed the proportions from that picture you posted of the Corsair doing a nose stand. For what it's worth, the dimensions I used are 4.0 mm along the longitudinal axis by 5.5mm wide (perpendicular to long axis) by just under 2mm deep.

Thanks a bunch.
I say, will do old boy!

Cory and I are actually trading props. I get his narrow blade and he's getting the wide one that I don't need. The Future is still curing and I squirted some on the decals that Geo sent me as well, just in case they had planned to disintegrate on me. Might get this one scrubbed up by the end of the weekend.
I must admit, I've found that coating decals with Future before using them, has lead to the Future dissolving once in the water. I normally spray my decals with a spray can of gloss clear varnish, mostly artist's acrylic finishing varnish.
I do, however, still use Future as a gloss sealing coat, once the decals have been applied.
Yeah, must admit I had a bit of a brain fart on that one. I've not used Future for decals before but have typically used a can of decal sealer that I still have since I bought my decal paper. I was a bit distracted the other day, but, oh well, we'll see how it goes.
Well, as it turns out, the decals behaved so no harm done. The roundels are from the Eduard Hellcat kit and a bit on the thick side. The white numerals were graciously provided by Geo. I had to modify these a tad in that the 3's were a little too narrow and did not match the 6's for width. In the pics below, you can see that I made a cut down the middle of the 3, separated the halves a tad, and inserted small pieces of extra decal material to fill the gaps. The "JT 537" numerals, also provided by Geo, are small and individually cut so a bit of a pain to deal with. In the final pic, I had just applied some setting solution so they look a bit off. I'll post some better pics of this area later to show how they turned out.


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