**** DONE: 1/48 Corsair II - Pacific Theatre of Operations II (1 Viewer)

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Thanks Hugh.

Just finished the upper colours. I started with an even coat of Extra Dark Sea Grey that I mixed with about 3 parts Tamiya XF-54 Dark Sea Grey to 2 parts XF-50 Field Blue.


Close study of period photos shows that the old RAF style roundels and fin flashes were painted over before applying the new SEAC markings on the Mark IIs and these appear to be a darker grey than the underlying weathered base colour. To replicate this, I cut some circular masks and then mixed up a batch of the above grey mix with a drop of white and went over the grey again, creating some highlights as I did so. After this was done, I free-handed the Dark Slate Grey wave pattern for which I used straight Tamiya XF-65 Field Grey. With a bit of artistic license, I assumed that the roundels where painted over with EDSG, even in the Dark Slate Grey areas. Once this was done, each colour was mixed with a drop of black and a lot of thinner and then some of the panel lines around maintenance areas were picked out. Below shos the result with the masks still on.



The remaining pics have the masks removed to reveal the slightly darker grey at the old roundel and fin-flash locations.



The demarcation line with the underside colour will need to be cleaned up before applying a gloss coat and that will be for tomorrow's session. Thanks for looking in everyone.
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Thanks everyone. I've splashed some Future on the model and it's now under a box curing.

Nicely done Andy. I like the subtle treatment of the frequently used panels and their joints.

That means a lot to me Terry as I think you and I have a similar view on emphasizing panel lines. I have to be careful to not overdo it and the amount shown in the above photos actually pushed it a bit far. However, experience has shown that the gloss coat tones the differences down somewhat so it's OK to look a bit too patchy at this stage.
Pictures of today's work:

The Future has been applied to all surfaces and the model set aside to cure:


With that done, I turned my attention to completing the undercarriage. Here, the wheels have been painted, washed with black artist oil, and installed onto the struts along with the brake lines which are made of solder and painted.

Spiffy looking undercarriage. Liking the looks of that solder wire more and more. Might have to pop over to UMM and make a purchase or 4.


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