**** DONE: 1/48 Fairey Gannet AS.1 - Carrier Aircraft GB

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Started on the resin bits this arvo, just lots of sawing and scraping to get down to the kit part. Still got plenty of them to do so it's going to be a slow old start.
Finished separating and cleaning up all the resin bits today, loads of dust and shavings all over the place. Hope to start on some painting tomorrow, so pics then.
At last I've finally made a move on this monster. It's been raining a lot lately which has made it a bit to damp for spraying, but the sin came out today so it was out to the shed all guns blazing for a bit of spray work.
First up some black for the three separate cockpits in this machine. I use a 50/50 mix of black and red as the base coat then gave them a quick light spray with another black /red mix this time about 2 parts black to 3 parts red.

The seats started with the 2 to 3 black/red mix followed by an overcoat of Humbrol 133 Brown.

For the wheel wells it Model Master 1412 with a very light overspray of Humbrol 133 again, the base for a bit of dirt.


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