**** DONE: 1/48 Fiat G.55S Torpedo Fighter - Mediterranean Theater of Operations

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Here are a couple of photos that I wanted to share. First, the vac canopy after the masking has been removed...

And here is the torpedo after painting. I took some liberties with the colors based on the photos. Attachment looks pretty fiddly... there are some delicate PE parts to manipulate so that makes me a bit nervous. But that'll have to wait until the end.

I'm itching to proceed with the weathering but I'm going to give it a few days and wait for the upper wing fascias to arrive.
Agree with all. Curb that enthusiasm John and work on your G-10 for a bit. You KNOW that the stuff you're waiting for will arrive the day after your impatience go the better of you!
Tell me about it! I will physically remove the Silurante from my work bench area for a couple of days while I start on the G-10.
I don't think I can wait much longer on this one. The old Ventura decal set that I was eyeing for the upper wing fascias jumped from $8.75 to $11.99 overnight on Ebay!
I think I goofed. I applied the bottom wing fasces according to the designation on the kit plans. They were called out as decal #8. I was going to go forward with applying the top wing fasces at this time but noticed that the instructions call them out as decal #8 also. The only wing fasces left on the decal sheet is #9. Obviously an error on the kit instructions but I should've paid closer attention to what I was doing. Based on the photo that Alberto posted of the correct top wing fasces, I think I put the top wing fasces on the bottom. What I have left over is a pair of decals that are a mirror image of what is shown in the pictures below.

Not a huge issue since I still have the bottom wing fasces and never had the correct black on clear top wing fasces. But I think I'll have to bite the bullet and order a decal sheet to get this thing wrapped up.
Oh, it will get done! Just another bump in the road I guess. I feel stupid for not paying attention especially after Alberto posted the warning about the correct orientation of the wing fasces. But I don't feel THAT stupid since even some publications seem to get it wrong. I hate mussing up the bottom of the wings so I'll probably apply the correct fasces right over the old ones. But I do have to spend some coin to get a new decal sheet... something I wanted to avoid.
Scan the remaining fasces decals, then 'flip' them to reverse the image, and print-out onto white decal paper.
No need to buy a relatively expensive decal sheet, or even decal paper from, for example, Testors. Ink-jet or laser printer decal paper, in white and clear, can be bought by the sheet, from office supply or speciality paper suppliers, and works out, per sheet, about a tenth of the price of buying a 'model brand' pack of exactly the same stuff.
The resolution of the final image is dependent on the quality and type of printer used (i.e. laser or ink-jet), and is therefore not as crisp, sharp, or dense as litho or screen-printed, commercially produced decals, but is generally good enough. This is especially true of simple designs, with strong solid colours, and the fasces are a good example of this.
Great solution Terry but you know me! Impatient Modeler John ordered a decal set with those troublesome square Italian fasces MOMENTS BEFORE reading your post. I ordered from an EBay seller from California so I'll expect to have decals in hand during the work week. I'll will have to remember the printable decal sheet solution for the future... my local hobby shop has some in stock.

In my impatience to push this model closer to completion, I've added the landing gear. The Silurante has a special, extra-long tail gear to accommodate the torpedo.

Instead of just plopping the correct decals over the incorrect ones, I decided to do the right thing and remove the old ones first. Some risk here is flubbing up the finish but I thought it'd be do-able if I was careful. Since there a clear coat over the decals, I used a paper towel lightly soaked in iso alcohol and started rubbing. The decal and paint came off easily and neatly enough.

I used fine sandpaper to clean up the surface and then pre-shaded the area. The light blue was replace without a hitch.

Here is a view of the pre-shading on the other wing.

No harm done!

Decals applied and set with Microset/Microsol.

Just to vindicate myself (slightly)... here is the mistake in the kit instructions. I think I assumed the top and bottom wing fasces were the same.

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