Thanks chaps, and no M, the airbrush hasn't packed up - my hands have!
I already had knackered hands, due to Rheumatoid Arthritis, with only my right hand working, at about 75% efficiency. But now, another tendon has snapped in this hand, and I only have the two outer fingers working.
I couldn't press the button on a rattle can, and even if I could, it would be the last thing I'd use to do a mottle, even through a card template - far too much pressure and not enough control. I might have to go back to using a cotton bud, which has worked for me in the past, but, meanwhile, I'll keep on trying to find a way to control the trigger more precisely.
Anyway, back to the model, and a little more progress, although it took about four times longer than in normal circumstances.
Most of the major components are now in place, and the next step is to fit all the small parts, beginning with the HUD and windscreen, of which more later.
PIC 1. The underside nav lamp and speed brake, the ram for which is not seen here.
PIC 2. The nose wheel in place, with the landing lamp and taxi lamp attached this time, and behind it the forward speed brake baffle.
PIC 3. The outriggers were fitted but, when tested for balance, it was found that the main gear was about 3mm clear of the surface! The outriggers were removed, the attachment points cut back, and then re-fitted. The doors have yet to be fitted to the retraction jacks and the sponsons, and some re-touching done.
PICS 4 and 5 All wheels now touch the surface evenly !
PIC 6. All the underside parts in place, with the exception of the fuel tanks and missiles, and a couple of small antenna.
PICS 7 and 8. How the model looks so far.
Next step is to prepare the windscreen and canopy and frame, to fit after assembling and fitting the HUD. However, there's some work to do here before proceeding, as an irritating moulding seams need to be removed, and the clear parts polished, as well as address a fit problem with the canopy and its frame
PICS 9 to 11 show the areas to be tackled.
Thanks once again for your interest, and I hope to have a further progress report soon.