Sorry, yes I was referring to the wheel wells. I "think" some had a protective coat over the bare aluminum that appears like RLM 02 under some light. But I think most were just bare.
As for this particular airframe, Werke. Nr. is 170075 and is was assigned to I/KG(J)54 and is was coded B3+SH.
It's one of the few trainers that was photographed during the war. The KG54 Me 262's carried a large "lighting bolt" on their forward fuselage.
Most likely the Kampfgeschader was converted to a Jagdgruppe, but retaining the "Blitz" insignia.
This is the only pic I found. (it's a pretty bad one too and I'm not even sure it's 170075)
I'm hoping to find just a little more evidence as to where HB based it's markings on.
There is no evidence of the "Stamzeichen" B3 in this pic.
I think there is a better pic of on the the KG 54 machines in the Squadron Signal publication.
The camo is also a bit unclear. HB states 74/75 over 76, but most modellers seam to go with the late war colours of 82/83 over 76. Even though it's hard to tell from the contrast on the above posted pic.
I'm also leaning towards 82/83 over 76 with fine mottling on the sides.
If the above pictured aircraft is indeed Werke Nr. 170075, then HB simplified the camo job as on their paint instructions the mottle on the engine nacelles is not there, where in the pic their clearly is. (But I'm nitpickin now...)
Sorry, pics of my actual progress on the model will hopefuly follow tonight as I expierienced another Windows 8.1 hickup yesterday.....