**** DONE: 1/48 Me 262 B-1 - The Jet Age.

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Thanks Fellas

I started assembling parts at last. Though I've just seen J Kim's fantastic 262B Nightfighter build and I hope mine turns out as half decent...

One ohter question for the experts. The 262B trainer I'm building is an early version. From what I understand the insides of some Me 262's were left bare, while some wer painted RLM 02 and others partial.
So, I guess it's ok to go with any of these?

And HB included some take of assist rockets to be placed under the fuselage, presumbly to shorten the take off of the heavier ladden two seaters. But were these also used on the trainer variant?

And last one, does anyone has a good pic of the open 4 gun bay? I'm interested to know if any wiring was visible for the cannons. Since HB's weapons bay looks pretty impressive, I'm thinking of leaving it open.
I know it kind of breaks the "Shark" look, but I'm tempted. (would save me a lot of fiddlin with the somewhat ill fitting parts in that erea....)

But so far, I'm really impressed with the HB offering, amazing detail for such a low priced kit...(I got it for less then the Italeri repop of the Trimaster/Dragon goes for)
(Though I'm pretty sure the HB kit is the 1/32 Trumpeter kit scaled down as all the detail, lay out etc.. apears to be the same....)
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The question 1 - I think yes you can go.

The question 2 - The training variant of the Me 262 was an episode only. Not too many of them was assembled. The assist rackets were used for heavy loaded bomber variant of the plane rather. The trainer wasn't heavier than the single-seater and it wasn't seem to require the extra power.. However the unification of projects could have resulted in the possibility of attaching the rocket engines to the training kite too. But I haven't heard of them used for the B-1a variant.

The question 3 - an e-mail sent.
Thanks all for your great help!
I've been eyeballing over the Me 262 airframes and every single one seams to look different.

The particular Me 262 B I'm building seams to be an early trainer conversion. there were some overall differences, most are pointed out in the Signal Squadron publication, but not all. But there are some pics of the actual aircraft on which I base my model.
The direction finder loop was raised on later trainers (though not on the NF) but the Kg 54 machine also did not have this raised direction finder loop.

As for the paint, some parts look like RLM 02, but I actually think it's bare aluminum with some kind of protection layer that looks a bit like 02. So I kind of went with a mix I made to represent this.

But, the HB kit is really great. I normally build far less sophisticated kits (Sanger, anyone ?! )
The detail on the HB kit is very nice and revails itself under a layer of paint. Still a long way to go! But I promise I post pics tonight, as I really did make some progress (at last....)
So when you said "From what I understand the insides of some Me 262's were left bare, while some wer painted RLM 02 and others partial." did you mean inside the wheel wells or inside the cockpit? My answer assumed you meant the cockpit, which in all cases would have been 66. For wheel wells, early 262s might have had 02 painted surfaces. I'd have to research your machine's history to see if it was a conversion from an early 262, otherwise bare aluminum would have been likely.
Sorry, yes I was referring to the wheel wells. I "think" some had a protective coat over the bare aluminum that appears like RLM 02 under some light. But I think most were just bare.

As for this particular airframe, Werke. Nr. is 170075 and is was assigned to I/KG(J)54 and is was coded B3+SH.
It's one of the few trainers that was photographed during the war. The KG54 Me 262's carried a large "lighting bolt" on their forward fuselage.
Most likely the Kampfgeschader was converted to a Jagdgruppe, but retaining the "Blitz" insignia.

This is the only pic I found. (it's a pretty bad one too and I'm not even sure it's 170075)
I'm hoping to find just a little more evidence as to where HB based it's markings on.
There is no evidence of the "Stamzeichen" B3 in this pic.
I think there is a better pic of on the the KG 54 machines in the Squadron Signal publication.
The camo is also a bit unclear. HB states 74/75 over 76, but most modellers seam to go with the late war colours of 82/83 over 76. Even though it's hard to tell from the contrast on the above posted pic.
I'm also leaning towards 82/83 over 76 with fine mottling on the sides.
If the above pictured aircraft is indeed Werke Nr. 170075, then HB simplified the camo job as on their paint instructions the mottle on the engine nacelles is not there, where in the pic their clearly is. (But I'm nitpickin now...)

Sorry, pics of my actual progress on the model will hopefuly follow tonight as I expierienced another Windows 8.1 hickup yesterday.....
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Here is a shot of her found at the LuftArchiv.De site. The caption there says ... Me 262 B-1a, WNr. 170075, B3+SH, des 1./KG (J) 54. The image is quite samll but the two small letters of the code painted on the left of the LW cross can be seen partially. Also the serial...

Concerning the camo colours.. the AJ-Press book mentions the RLM82/81/76 set. However the RLM82 and 83 were confused often.
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Interesting stuff, and some good info here.
Here's a pic of the weapons, which might help with detail.


  • Cosford 128.jpg
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At last I can show some progress on this kit...

Pit partly painted and weathered;
Front is HB's kit part, back cockpit is the old Dragon/Trimaster part.
I also altered the rear instrument pannel. This had less instruments.

I also made some belts and buckels from tin foil. (I had no good belts left, so I tried this)

Some other parts painted;

The Gun bay. I just need to add some wiring and some colour details.
But so far, I'm happy with it.

It's coming along slowly but steady;

Next I hope to add the necessary wires in the wheel wells, instrument panels and gun bay.
Then hopefully complete the fuselage and close it up.
still hoping to make the deadline though...
Thanks All

Though, while digging thru a box with small pilot figurines and etchings I found a old airwaives Bf 109 set which had a two nice pair of luftwaffe seat belts that looked just perfect for the 262...So I'm gonna use those. But I'm sure I can find another good use for my DIY set...
Great bit of building, lovely detail and those harnesses……..(even if your not now using them) and with all this first rate info, recon I'll just have to go get me a Me 262 kit just so as I can make use of it.

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