**** DONE: 1/48 Me 262A-1a - Me/ Fw Group Build.

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Thank you gentlemen, as always your comments are much appreciated.

Since my last post I've been trying to fathom a number of fitting problems particularly with one of the engine mountings and the flaps. All is sorted now and as a result I've been cutting bits out of the wings so that I can fit forward and rear flaps to this build. As you can see, I had to do just a little bit of cutting.

I have also worked on one of the Jumo engines that I'm hoping to display on it's servicing trolley which has yet to be scratch built. The engine as it now stands with a rough coat of burnt steel is a conglomeration of resin, etched, kit bits and scratch which needs an hour or two of careful colour refining.

Many thanks gents and no prizes for guessing what I got up to today. That's right, more work on the Jumo. Here we have a couple of pictures of the finished product, all that remains now is to mount it on some form of trolley.

I also started work on the engine cowls which involved more scalpel work and after cleaning out all the ejection marks I will add some ribbing. This in itself could be quite tricky because of the huge curve which I think will require some plastic heating and bending. On the right is a completed engine ready for installing on the wing.


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