Things are under way and I do not see this project taking a lot of time. Pretty simple kit with a minimum of parts. Cockpit has been assembled and placed in fuselage along with tailpipe assembly..
Wings halves are joined as well.
Virtually none of the cockpit will be visible once the heavily framed canopy is put into place.
Work continues on this project. The sprues on this kit are clearly marked SMER so I know where the moulds originated.
Every single joint has required putty and plenty of it. I am in the process of working at this and have made progress but still have lots to do to shape up this ship.
The wings and tail have been glued into place and the gaps were sizeable as shown in the pictures. I will keep plucking away and still do not think this kit will take too long as there are not many pieces left to stick on.
I am looking forward to painting this. The bottom side of the wings have been sprayed aluminum and the rest will be in camo.
Yep. I included that picture to show the gaps that I am dealing with. It has since been puttied and I am now waiting for the elevators to harden into place before I putty them.
Good progress Jeff. I'd forgotten that I'd read somewhere that this was an ex SMER kit. There's a chance it could be nearer to 1/50th scale than 1/48th, as many of their kits were - seems they used both scales under the banner of 1/48th scale.
What colours to use for this? Various colour profiles or colour photos show differing shades, hues and colours. At some point one just has to say...carry on.
I went with an olive green for one of the colours so she has received an overall spray ( save for the bottom side of the wings ). Still debating the second colour to use but I have until at least tomorrow while I wait for the first colour coat to dry.