I forgot how much I dislike working with Yellow. At least for Vallejo and Model Master and Tamiya paints. It goes on, but it puddles easily and takes a lot of coats. In case you have not figured it out I am painting prop tips. Also have the guns mounted and the nose cone on. However the nose cone and the two side panels are going to leave nasty seams based on my dry fitting. Sigh... back to seam filling and sanding.
Weights are in, and she is no longer a tail sitter. I used odd shaped lead fishing weights, one in each engine nacelle and one in the nose. Once I attach the nose gear she should sit on her own legs finally!
Camera battery died, so will upload pictures in the morning. I tried my hand at riveting with the Rivet-R tool and love the results! I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to keep a straight line. I have the Trumpeter tool as well but it is not as easy to keep straight at least for me. I definitely recommend the Rivet R tools.
Final steps to close things up, one last coat of primer tomorrow after I get the seams filled. Then I should be able to add last minute rivets here and there where I sanded away the detail, then by Sunday I should be able to begin final coats of paint. This is a bare aluminum scheme with a few anti glare olive drab sections on the inboard side of the nacelles and in front of the cockpit. Those will be last probably.
Still working on the canopy which is very fiddly because it is vacuum-form so it bends alarmingly when I am working with it. Have been reinforcing areas of it with white tack which helps.