I've been doing quite a bit of masking and painting over the last few days so here's a sequence of photos of it
First paint - white on the nose
Masking off the teeth
More masking and spraying the red mouth
More masking for the white cheat line and eye and spraying blue
Masking for the lightening bolts and covering up the blue on the nose getting ready for the NMF
The mask for the blue "2" on the tail. That and the one on the other side took the better part of an hour to cut out and put on.
The wing on, the tail attached and almost ready for the first shade of silver
It's been a lot more work that I had thought it would be but there really was no choice as the only decals I can use are the national insignia and black numbers
Still have to put on the second shade of silver and the anti- glare black on before the masks come off but I'm away on vacation this week so you'll have to wait Wayne.
John, the silver is from the Floquil railroad color line of paints. Not sure they still make it though.