**** DONE: 1/48 Sea King Mk 50 – Home Country Modern Aircraft/Spitfire Marks GB

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Many thanks guys.

Had a bit of a wasted day really, spent most of it in and out of the shed and spraying Future on the Sea King. She is now ready for decaling but before I do, some help or suggestions please.

This machine has low profile markings and though, thanks to me old Sydney mate Bill (N4521U) I've got the numbers and roundels in a light shade of grey but even these need to be lightened more. It may also be that I have to use some of the provided black decals which means a sort of miracle to tone them down. I do have a thought up my sleeve but though I'd run the problem past all you good experts out there. Here is a small sample of what both look like on the Sea King colour and also a photo of the real thing.



In between the spraying, I was not really in the mood for serious modelling so just threw this monster together without much attention to detail. I'm going to use it as a test model for test spraying, various ways to do shading, weathering and pane line enhancement. Ok, so some of you would be saying 'what a waste of a model,' were as some who are not fans of modern aircraft would say 'how suitable'. For me it has good detail in the wheel, missile and bomb bays and plenty of panel lines to work with. I also have another kit of the F-22, an Italeri where as this one is a Revell. BTW, both are identical in construction and instructions.

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Had the same concern on my Steinhoff 109 Vic regarding the very black crosses that I wanted to lighten. Similar suggestion from Wayne but in the end I chickened out and left them alone. Looks like a first trial project for your Raptor. Good luck.
Wayne's idea should work. Or make some grey decals, which will lose density when applied, and look the right shade - but some trial and error involved. Or, there should be some 'Low Viz' number decals sheets available I would think - maybe have a look at Hannant's web site?
Well now I can see what you mean Vic. They look so much lighter in ones hand, and not so pixelated. When I was in the states I did screen printing, sure wish I had a set-up here. Seems there should be something aftermarket.
Thanks for looking in guys and for the advise.

Today I tried the overspray on the decals with the result as you see it. In essence I think it is going to work but need to be just a tad lighter on the spray though the photo does show it to be less visible than it really is.


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