**** DONE: 1/48 Sea King Mk 50 – Home Country Modern Aircraft/Spitfire Marks GB

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Mmmmmmmm…………………………………..all I can see is the colour of spew with bits of carrot and corn lumps in it. Seriously though Bill I don't think it is a truly clear liquid, it's a sort of very dirty yellow/pink though if I have 5 minutes, I could give it a try on a bit of paper.
Thanks for the support guys. This morning I bashed out some decals on the old dot matrix printer, they came out rather wet so I've tucked these away to completely dry over the next couple of days when I will coat them with a spot of decal restorer for protection, this may take a couple of coats over a few days as if not done correctly they will run on contact with water.

I'm not going to rush things at this stage so I'm setting the King aside for a while until the decals are as I want them. No sense in ruining a good build by rushing it at the end.

Anyway, watch this space for the King will be back!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I was thinking instead of being a dry spray, to get it to cover so thinly, the floor polish, I can never remember the name, would keep it a wetter spray. Not so spotty. Sometimes it's more important knowing what Won't work. I like what you've done so far.
I guess I was thinking instead of being a dry spray, to get it to cover so thinly, the floor polish, I can never remember the name, would keep it a wetter spray. Not so spotty. Sometimes it's more important knowing what Won't work. I like what you've done so far.
Johnson's Future?, yeah that would work.
Went back to the Sea King today and started on the low profile decals that Bill had made for me. I have to say they went on a treat. Unfortunately though I ralised that on the Aussie roundel, the roo always faces forward, I knew this but it slipped my mind when giving details to Bill. All is not lost though as I've quickly made up my own decal from the a scan of the Bill provided decals, reversed it, pronted it and now they are drying.

This is the result so far:


Well now, I am rapt that they worked well for you.

Sent you an email.... could they be put on back to front???? or were they printed white first?

But mine for the Corsair were brilliant!
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