**** DONE: 1/48 Spitfire FR.lX - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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OK, I've cried long enough, time to due final prep work on the fuselage,glue this sucker together and a really rough dry fit to the wings shows my next problem. Quick question first though. As I am not going to show the camera inside the fuselage, what would be the best way to deal with the opening? Black paint on the back of the plastic disc or something a little subtler? And thank you Terry and Paul.

A simple shelf of plastic card, and a piece of plastic tube, all painted matt black, with the inside of the tube painted a dull gold,or dark grey, and glazed with PVA will simulate the look of the camera. If you don't want to do this, then leave the camera port clear, and paint the entire interior area around the port matt black.
On my first 'trial run' when converting the Hobbycraft MkXIV into a PR19, I test-fitted the glazing, painted gloss very dark blue on the inside.
It looked like a clear part, painted gloss very dark blue on the inside!
So, I painted the interior matt black, and fitted a new clear window, which looked much more acceptable.
Well, do tell! A camera bay, who woulda thunk. I think I heard that from Charles.
Hope you're successful with the warp thingy. Just go slow and you'll be right.
Geo - got a spare ICM Mk.VIII/IX fuse with your name on it if you need one (No warping!)

Re the cameras: I would leave them out. From what I've read, cameras were only loaded prior to a mission, and instantly removed upon landing.
My ICM spit had warp like that to. Just do like Paul said and glue it in stages from rear to front and it will be fine. I'm trying to think up ways to do the camera bay in my RF-84F and I think I might start with Terry's idea. But I have like 8 camera ports on that thing.
Just going to wish you good luck with the warp Geo, nuf advice given already. Liked those resin cameras though, good reference for a scratch build.
Can you spread the bottom of the fuselage with some spacers to push it out enough to close the gap, or have you glued both sides of the cockpit to the fuselage sides preventing the spreading?
Any thoughts............


What about the wing dihedral? Could you post a picture taken from the front?

And a nice info about additional work that has to be done.... http://www.brians-place.com/models/AirfixSpitIX/index.html

Areas that need attention:

Wing thickness - sand it like a vacform!
Wing tips - too rounded and the airfoil shape is wrong - they would be more at home on a Hurricane! Sand sand sand (repeat
until done!)
Trailing edge thickness on all surfaces... sand sand sand
Cannon covers are well over inflated... sand sand sand!
Prop seems strangely shaped... file, sand...
Larger Vokes filter is over inflated... sand sand sand!
Exhausts are waaaaaay too big (IMHO), file and sand!
The canopy is very thick and the windscreen seems like it is too flat, but not so sure about this one.
remove the bulges over the wheel well, only seen on post war Spitfires
Put some packing into the tail wheel hole in the rear fuselage to give the tail wheel something to glue to!
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