**** DONE: 1/48 Spitfire Mk IX – Home Country Modern Aircraft/Spitfire Marks GB

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All the weathering and tweeking is done, she's ready for a final coat of matt finish.
I didn't use the ICM decals until I had a near disaster with some "don't do this stuff" type decals that I had reconditioned from an old Revell spit kit. The combo of liquid decal film, future and micro set somehow turned to a hard waxy crud, I never had it happen before. So the long black lines are ICM, mostly.
I have never built Spitfires in the same kind of numbers as say, P-40's or Me. 109's, but were I to do another, I would use an ICM kit again. Aside from a few well documented fit problems, it goes together well. The level of detail is wonderful, and for an old "bash it together" kind of guy, I got pretty good results. There is room for improvement, naturally, a second go at one would benefit from the first attempt.
Many thanks to all for the various kinds of help and encouragement!
Next stop, A "Finished" post!

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