**** DONE: 1/48 Spitfire Mk.Vc - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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My thanks again guys for looking in and your kind words.

Pressed on today with more small detail work but first had to get the wing attached to the main fuselage. As you can see not to bad a fit at the back but there was a couple of mm overlap at the front which had to be cut back and filed to shape. There is also that little bit of a gap on the port side which will be fixed when I sort the dihedral tomorrow. The big hole up font on the port side has been made for the gun camera, I have a piece of tube, thinned and ready to fit in there.

As far as detail, a small hole in the starboard forward fuselage for the starter handle, should it be needed.

Trim tabs control rods on both sides of the stabilizers, from scrap PE

Also remembered that I had a PE part for the rudder control rod, so did a swap from yesterdays effort.

Next in line for attention was the air scoop adding PE for outer rim, and internal filters.

Tomorrow the dihedral!
Geez guys, you've got me all of a blush……...........but thanks for popping in and all those kind words.

Again it has been slow and easy, wings are fixed with some gaps and a bit of filing needed. also have the Vokes filter fitted and actually got to masking the canopy. But there is more detail to be added and today it was the turn of the water or oil cooler (I'm not sure which).

My instructions from the Eduard set say to add a couple of pipes at the back of the cooler. Pics I've looked at from refurbished aircraft do not show these, but I stuck them in anyway.

Also put a bit of a guard on the Vokes filter mouth, think this may have been a lip guard against damage from field debris during takeoff or landing.


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