Thanks Cory I really need to take pics of nights work a couple of days ago but 10" of rain (HOORAHH!!) put some H2O in the old gas tank first things first.
So I had to take some pics of my G43 this morning for a possible loan to the D-Day Musuem in N.Orleans so snapped pics of the 152 also just to busy of late.
Thks Fellas you me and panel lines I want suttle and I hope I can pull it off!!
Gerry as for the G43 she a 100% matching rifle and is nothing more than a closet Queen anymore.When we were at the Museum they did not have one in the collection so why not let others enjoy for they do have some nice lines in them.I emailed them the request to put it on loan but have not heard back as of yet.I can imagine they get all kinds of emails from family members of loved ones who have passed away and that family member hopefully smart enough to donate for posterity reasons.I hope they get in touch before I take my Father-in-Law to the Museum he is a Korean Vet and he really wants to go.
AND we will not fix that issue either Look doing the the stencils but have a question trim tabs red?have seen profiles with rudder red trim tab but wonder this late in the game.I have done the landing gear,masked and painted the canopy and made up a big bottle of Bl Green for the prop and painted.I have pics in the camera and will post later.Cheers
well a few pics are in order tonight.The canopy is just sitting there.The next partis alittle more daunting and that is the rake of the landing gear they practically sit right under the plane but the wheel itself is suppose to lead the wing and the gear door parallel to the surface.