Thanks guys! I'll be taking a bit of break on both builds soon. I am heading to Kazakhstan/Krygyzstan in one week's time so I may not have much time to spend on modeling this week.
Thanks guys! She's ready for paint but I have yet to make up my mind on the particular aircraft. All signs point to Green 9 but I'm reluctant to lay down any paint till I make up my fickle mind.
Haven't had a look for a bit John but this is very nice, love the spinner and Ta-Ta's are great, but don't mess with my Tu-Tu. Hope you have a good trip. Stay safe my friend.
Still a couple days yet before departure so I finally put some paint on the Tank fighter. The canopy was sprayed with the interior color first and then black. Then the panel lines were traced with diluted black.
Topped off the panel shading with fine mottle to give some underlying depth and tonal variation to the camo scheme.
The bottoms and sides were sprayed with a very diluted coat of RLM 76 to let the preshading peek through. I left some of the underwing panels unpainted as Green 9 has some unpainted metal here.
It's hard to capture the preshading effects using the point-n-shoot camera under indoor lighting but you can just make it out.
I'm going to let this dry thoroughly before masking off the metal undersurfaces. May or may not get to this step before I leave.