**** DONE: 1/48 Tornado F3 - Home Country Modern Aircraft / Spitfire Mark GB

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Thanks very much for the kind words chaps. I'm still plodding slowly along with the ejection seats - might have a pic or two later tonight, if my hands behave!
Thanks Cory, still more to do on the colour scheme, with detail painting, the wing sweep area and de-icer and di-electric panels etc.
Got a bit further forward with the ejection seats, having started over again on parts. After test-fitting, I discovered there could be a clearance problem with some of the cockpit mouldings, and also noticed that the kit parts sit far too low in the cockpits, especially the front one, so some modifications were made, and packing added to the underside.
PIC 1. Shows the kit seat as provided. Er...well, yes !
PICS 2 and 3. What the MB Mk10 should look like. I've shown the drawings, rather than photos, for clarity. (Drawings provided by BAe Warton some years ago, after asking nicely during a business appointement.)
PIC 4. First step was to remove the over-scale thigh guards, bottom frame and the seat side frames, and sand down the parachute head box and seat back. A hole was also drilled to accept the firing handle, added later.
PIC 5. The seat side frames, moulded back support, parachute box, PEC, adjusting lever, manual separation handle and firing handle have been added, using plastic card and stretched sprue. I'm not bothering to add much detail to the lower half of the seats, as they can't be seen between the side consoles.
PIC 6. The head rest has been roughly moulded to shape with 'Milliput' and, once hardened, this will be trimmed as needed, and sanded to shape.
PIC 7. A comparison with the second kit seat, showing the work to date. There's still a heck of a lot to do, with the plumbing, inertia reels, wiring, and drogue shackle to add, followed by the harness, lift webs (risers) and padded back rest. Once that's done, it's time to start all over again on the rear seat, which will need some adjustment to allow it to fit into the rear cockpit without fouling the the centre console.
Thanks once again for your interest and kind comments, and I hope to post a further up-date sometime tomorrow.


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Thanks Vic. I decided the head box looked a little on the 'heavy' side, so the plastic sheet sides have been removed, and the 'Milliput' is in the process of being carved and sanded to shape. Had an unexpected visit from an old friend today, so no further progress as yet. I hope to get this seat completed, and most of the rear seat, by tomorrow night, hands permitting.
Thanks Andy, it's appreciated. Couldn't sleep due to a bit of pain, so decided to get up and proceed with the seats. I've now got the basics done on the rear seat, including filing a bit off the front of the squab to prevent it fouling the central pedestal, and also got the head box sanded to shape on the front seat, with the back-pad and part of the harness added.
Just got to make and fit all the plumbing, wiring, shackles and inertia reels now, plus the rest of the harness and adjusting buckles!
Here's where it's up to so far.


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Thanks Paul and Vic. The harness straps are strips of foil cut from the lid of a yoghurt container, with the back pad a piece of (paper) card cut, shaped and bent. The remaining straps will be made the same way, with thicker foil for the adjusters, and a sliver of plastic rod of the required diameter for the quick-release box. I'd like to add the leg restraints, from thin slivers of paper, but I think they'll get caught on the control column and not 'sit'properly.
The 'rubber' contoured head rest on the front of the parachute container is moulded 'Milliput', which was carved and sanded to the final shape.
Just got to add the various brackets, pipes, wires, valves and inertia reels now, then paint the various bits!
Thanks T, I though as much but wanted to make sure as you have managed to get some good movement in them rather than the obvious 'I've been bent over look.'

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