**** DONE: 1/72 Bf 109E4 - Defense of Britain/Atlantic.

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Now I put photos of the process of placing the decals, as I learned of the error with the Spit VIII Aussies, I do not use the original decal if I print them original so if I have problems do not happen to me what happened to me thanks to evan solvent.
the decals are 99% of the rest Airfix kit are removed from the nº16 of topcolours of kagero, ie the diamond with the ace of spades.

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Looking good but what happened to the cockpit canopy?

the truth is that I had to change the clear, when I was placing it did not enter the head so I had to change this simply is not glued in place is simply superimposed
I understood. But I'm sure you know that here weren't any bars of the metal frame on the side and top windows of the side opened hood.
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if the window was no central chariot were two glasses but had no metal between them, is the original Airfix why you paint well but I see that my suspicions were correct, and looketh despintare it right.
putting the decals finished and already covered with protective,and since the paneling with watercolors

the next step the simulation of smoke, and the engine exhaust


I'll give you a disappointment, the plane is over but not before me give you an advance and stay in my cabinet.
buy in my view to Andorra, a kit was looking CMK coming two pilots and a mechanic since 1/72 by plane lay it on a grassy field as used at the time and a pilot who is supported by plane posing for photo.


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