**** DONE: 1/72 Spitfire Mk Vb - Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII

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Time for an update me thinks...
As far as the progress of the build goes, pictures speak for themselves I guess. Comment on the propeller and canopy... I wasn't satisfied with Hobby Boss offering at all - the propeller is too thin and cockpit canopy over sized and, for the lack of better word, too much "toy like", so I used these parts from an old damaged Airfix model I have. I think they are more accurate...


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OK. It seems that the problem has appeared because of the rencent Windows and Java updates. You may try to make them smaller.
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I reduced them in size a little bit and it did the trick, but they weren't all that big in the first place.


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The Hobby Boss prop looks like the Hamilton Standard one while the Airfix is more adequate for the Rotol one.
Oh sorry , yes the de Havilland prop. I thought this but wrote something different. Geez , really getting older.
Looks good Igor and I'd go for the Airfix as well.

It looks to me as though Hobby Boss have feathered the so called de Havilland prop which was narrower at the spinner end where as the Dowty Rotal was broad. The de Havilland spinner was also smaller.
Do you know the feeling when you are working on a model and being pleased with the progress only for your effort to be frustrated by some stupid mishap? Here's what happened... While working on the finishing touches with the weathering, I've noticed that machine gun ports on the wing leading edges (which I had to drill myself by the way as Hobby Boss wings are solid) are filled with paint. So, I tried to fix this by sticking needle into the them when the needle slipped and damaged the wing. Thankfully it's quite reparable but it was enough to annoy me for the rest of the day. Also for some reason Hobby Boss doesn't provide wheel covers, so I made these myself from scratch.

Anyway, here are the pictures... First two are from yesterday - one to show current stage of the build and the other to show the damage on the wing. The last picture I took today - started to repair the damage on the wing and added new wheel covers.


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