***DONE: Bf 109 G-14 3rd Sq. II Gruppo Caccia 1944 Group Build

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1st Lieutenant
Nov 20, 2007
My third entry is a Tamiya G-14 out of box keeping it simple with only ED belts added to both kits.She will sport 74/75 top with 76 below.This crate will not support the white badges on the upper wing but the instead the RSI insignia but will retain the black badges down below.This G-14 will hvae a white spinner with a black spiral;mottling looks medium all the way through to the tail in 74/75


  • G10 001 (800 x 600).jpg
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  • G10 002 (800 x 600).jpg
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  • G10 003 (800 x 600).jpg
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If you don't have it..
I suggest you this book:

It's beautiful!!

For anything..I'll help you with pleasure!!
Welcome in the Regia Aeronautica&ANR fans tribe!!
You know Wayne you are right.Cheers Kevin

Dan I did pick up my first book on the MC 202 the other day from Squadron but nothing as good as that.I have a hard time with the internet being available as it is to go buy research.In saying that I did the other day p/u a book on 100 of the greatest battles and 3 mags on battles of WWII.I like to read tactics and manuvers along of course with the blunders if the battlfield can be kept fairly small.I have successfully wandered off the path
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Thks Kgambit but not quite the mottling looks a little light while the colors appear to maybe be correct though.These two builds are really going to be OOB with only the PE belts added and what I hope to be super paint schemes and decals.I am attacking these like I do 1/72 with the astedic(sp) qualities high on the list.The wings on both and other small assemblies went together last night.Cheers Kevin

No problem Kevin. It's the only 3 Sqd, 2nd Gruppo plane I could find in the ANR reference book. Thought it was a long shot but you never know.

Thank You Paul yuo hit it with the last crate the G-14 that is the one I am doing right here except in the instructions by the decal company shows a little heavier mottling pattern throughout so maybe a blend.Thanks again Paul .Cheers Kevin

About to start the pit.
Hi Jav!!

The last profile embedded by Micdrow is right!!

Do you want to build the "White 5"?

Source: Camouflage And Markings Of The Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana 1943-1945 (G.Valentini - F.D'Amico)
Looks like a must have book Daniele (d*mn bug! Got enough on my list already! ), is there a pre 43 as well?

No. The ANR was formed after the Armistice between Italy and the Allies in early September 1943. The ANR didn't exist as such prior to that.

Prior to September '43, you would want references on the Regia Aeronautica. Squadron Signal publications has a two volume reference on the RA - one dating from 1940 to 1943 and another one post-43, but I think both volumes are out of print.
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