**** DONE: Bf109G-2a Cpt.Av. Constantin Cantacuzino - Aircraft in Foreign Service GB

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Thanks Guys!

After studying some photo's I noticed there was no port air intake on the forward canopy section of the Romanian G-2a's, removed it and then Masked up the canopy, but worked on the JG301 190 for most of my modelling time today...


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Cheers Charles and Vic!

Well some progress in the shed today, paint on...was getting rather warm out there...30+, glad I did it today as the next few days are gonna be real hot!

it appears to me that some of the Romanian built G-2a's had an overall mottle of RLM75 only on the fuselage, while others seem to have RLM 76 mottled over the 75 to lighten the pattern further...


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