**** DONE: Curtiss P-40M-5 Kittyhawk III, ‘Wairarapa Wildcat’, C’wealth GB

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There are still a couple of weeks. Don't give up hope yet.

The end is much closer than you think Bill.....

Think I need an extension....of a week or two....maybe?

Ok, got the rear canopy section fitted after some slight drybrushing of the rivet detail...it is more apparent under the light than it actually is...

Sanding, filling and scribing tomorrow...


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Well....working on that rear canopy area...masked, some CA filler and sanding, sanding sanding...definitely not going to be done by the 28th...too much still to do...


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That seem looks great Wayne. Looks like you're only 1 day of painting behind me, and I still have hope of finishing on time. Kind of like cramming for collage finals.
Ok scored a couple of hours modelling time I didn't expect today, so got the rest of the scribing done around the rear canopy section and redrilled a series of rivets to match existing detail.

Then I made up a couple of rings from plastic tube to replace some raised detail below the fuselage for a couple of lights that appeared on the latter P-40 series, see the pic below!.....plus some panel line rescribing as well....

Managed to spray some neutral grey around the canopy sections and all of this is good, found a couple of spots that need extra filling and sanding on top of the rear canopy but this is minor....so for the most part got it right!

Part of the rescribing is not quite to what I would like but it will do.....So much closer to the painting now than I thought....but not there just yet!


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