**** DONE: Curtiss P-40M-5 Kittyhawk III, ‘Wairarapa Wildcat’, C’wealth GB

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So after the 1200 grade light sanding, do you give it a quick wash to get rid of the dust or a good brush down? I ask as I can still see the dust in the rivets.

...now, I didn't answer your question Vic, give it a brush over, after running a needle along the lines that have some 'dust' still hanging on...

and thanks for your comments Guys.
Scored the right size drill today to restore the rivet "holes" so they are all consistent where I am filling and rescribing....don't want to fit the wings until this stuff is done....easier to work on the fuselage this way....maybe some pics tomorrow!
Ok pretty much got the Port side to a stage where the filling, sanding, rescribing and replacement of the rivet 'holes' is done.....now for the other side....


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