DONE: Finished Kittyhawk IV -Curtiss P-40N RAAF 76 Sqn G-SV A29-1140 Group Build

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Okay some more pics have come to hand of 1140. These two are screen caps from a film clip taken on 17/6/1945 when 1140 landed at Labuan airfield. It was being flown by Mervyn Furze and has been recoded 'T', but the nose art is unmistakable.

I just may need to do this one again..... What a surprise this has turned up.




  • A29-1140 SVT labuan.jpg
    A29-1140 SVT labuan.jpg
    24 KB · Views: 162
  • A29-1140 SVT labuan 2.jpg
    A29-1140 SVT labuan 2.jpg
    23.3 KB · Views: 155
Was this taken from that doco that premiered last night? This aircraft also has a fin flash, did you end up putting one on your model?

That's right. This is taken from the doco 'Roar of the Kittyhawk'. Got the shock of my life when this bird popped up.:shock::lol:

The profile I had showed it without a fin flash, so I omitted this in on the model, but it's there to see.

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