Indeed John, once I started thinking about it I wasn't going to be able to look at that area without regret! I should probably just give up on the idea of OOB builds...
Anyway, continued with preparation of sub-assemblies of robo-pit (weirdly, I'm watching Robocop as I type this) for painting.
I must admit, I had a bit of a disappointing session today. There is a lot of PE in this build with several delicate assemblies prone to breakage, so I found frustration starting to get the better of me. I also decided to represent the firing cables on the joystick.
I used 0.25mm copper wire for this which I glued to the side of the joystick with CA.
I've already broken one of these off once and I suspect it will happen again during installation. Immediately after I'd done it, I realised what I should have done was drill a 0.3mm hole through the joystick and pass a single length of wire through. I may still do that if there's another breakage.
Finally, black-based the cockpit sub-assemblies in preparation for basecoat painting. I black-base nearly all of my interiors as a first step in producing shadows and depth. Here I've used Humbrol satin black enamel as I feel enamel performs better as a primer than acrylics. Other black primers would work well too.
Anyway, a bit annoyed with myself today so figured it was time to down tools and watch Robocop instead! Thanks for stopping by...